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Doom’s arena multiplayer is fast, fast, fast


As the constant trickle of information about new Doom continues to drip out of E3, this latest video shows a small section of Doom’s competitive multiplayer. Spoiler: It’s fast. 

We’ve already seen the SnapMap level editing tool, and the game’s Glory Kills, but multiplayer will be a big part of what defines Doom and gives it longevity. For it to create a community, it needs to stand out. With what looks like hyper violent, super fast, old-school action, it might do just that.

The video shows off the game’s speed, people getting gibbed and double jumping rocket kills. There are also limited use power ups that turn you into a demon and upgrade your damage dealing capacity.

It seems like the single-player will act as a training mode for the multiplayer, with constant movement key and many of the skills transferable in the same “push forward combat” style in the multiplayer.

Check out the video:

Are you grabbing Doom for the single-player or to gib fools online?