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Dota Dash is the MOBA engine Mario Kart nobody thought to ask for

Dota Dash: a mod for a MOBA, unlike any other.

Dota 2 is already halfway to becoming a kart racer. It’s got lanes, projectiles, and a roster of colourful characters three or four times the size of Nintendo’s. The designer of Dota Dash decided to go ahead a bridge the gap.

“Race with fast-paced sliding controls!,” writes BMD. “Use greevil shells to blast your enemy! Drop banana peels to send your enemy slipping!”

The mod is already playable, in the loosest definition of the term, on a heavily-modified version of Azarak’s Fight or Flight map. Watch familiar Dota heroes careen about a makeshift track below:

New to Dota 2 and don’t know which heroes to play? Take a gander at ourbest Dota 2 heroes for beginners guide.

That’s the last we’ll see of that particular map, though: Dota Dash has become embroiled in a mod ownership dispute over the weekend – a “misunderstanding” that collaborator Azarak will rectify by developing a brand new map for the mode.

Meanwhile, Dash creator BMD will work on making the Dota 2 map “raceable”.

“I’m building a ‘campaign’ system so that people can race across multiple maps in the same game session, instead of on only a single map,” BMD wrote on Reddit.

“I’m also building development tools for mappers so that they can draw their map in Hammer, then use my development tools to place all of the powerups/waypoints/hazards/barriers on the map, and then release their map/map pack (or possibly even sell it on the workshop eventually).”

Ambitious plans for, er, whatever this is. Do you think you’ll give Dota Dash a spin once it’s had a bit more work?

Thanks, RPS.