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We’ve got 90 hero bundles for Heroes of the Storm; would you like one?

Heroes of the Storm

The Heroes of the Storm open beta has been rolling along for a week now; you’re free to tumble into the Nexus anytime you like.

“No more keys, codes, or opt-ins,” said Blizzard last Thursday. But actually, we’ve got a pile of keys still very much of interest to the sartorially-discerning HotS player. They unlock alternate skin bundles for two of Blizzard’s heroes, ripped from the WoW and StarCraft universes.

Heroes of the Storm is out NOW! Check our Heroes of the Storm Guide

Malfurion Stormrage is the greatest druid on Azeroth. He protects the wilds from demonic influence, but it hasn’t always been easy: he lost Broll Bearmantle to a demon’s blade. In the Storm Mantle skin, players can wear Bearmantle’s armour in tribute to the antlered elf.

Ex-Confederate Marshal James Raynor, meanwhile, ordinarily wears CMC Powered Combat gear so comprehensive that it obscures half his face. But as Blizzard write, “some days it’s good to get out of the suit and into something a bit more comfortable”. Commander Raynor remains pretty chunky in his casual skin, thanks to some absurd biceps.

We’ve got 45 Storm Mantle Malfurion Bundles, and 45 Commander Raynor Bundles – worth $7.49 each. What you need to do is leave a family-friendly comment below, and we’ll randomly distribute keys to 90 winners.

Please double-check you’ve got an email address attached to your PCGamesN account, and don’t be the sort of silly who downvotes fellow HotS fans. It won’t get you anywhere.

Right: the giveaway ends at midnight GMT on Sunday, so let’s get started. All-stars away!