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Aztez trailer shows a brutal monochromatic fighting game


Castle Crashers holds a special place in my heart. A place filled with knuckledusters, baseball bats, and boards with nails in them. Aztez wants to kick the door into that place and shake the walls a bit.

Hmm, as images go that doesn’t convey a great deal about side-scrolling brawler Aztez. Luckily the new video does a pretty good job.

The attacks in Aztez have a real heft to them and the way your character holds their stance after each hit, whether it be on the ground of in the air, lends the playstyle a sense of the deliberate. This isn’t going to be a button bashing game but one where you lift your enemies into the air to score a string of combos on them.

There’s more the game than a sequence of bigger and bigger fights. The strategy layer is a turn-based empire management. It’s simply the conflicts on the map which are resolved in the beat’em’up sequences.

Aztez is due out next year.

Cheers, RPS.