I’ve just looked it up and it’s been 607 days since we last wrote about Beyond Good & Evil 2. That’s June 2014, so long ago people were still excited about the Ouya and laughing at the name WiiU. Well, some things never change. That includes the eternal fact that Beyond Good & Evil 2, despite all evidence to the contrary and the hefty stack of odds weight against it, is still in development. As much was confirmed by series creator and game director Michel Ancel in a recent video with Double Fine.
BG&E 2 could have been on our best upcoming PC games list every year for the last 8, by our estimation.
We’ve written about Double Fine’s Dev’s Play series before, where various games are put back in front of their creators oh so many years later for a quick chat about what makes them tick. The latest episode, released just yesterday, was Michel Ancel chatting Beyond Good & Evil.
A couple of times, Tim Schafer asks Ancel about the sequel, and he responds that it is still being worked on. When Tim mentions how excited for it he is, Ancel says “That’s a problem – no choice. It has to be great. When we started [the original] game there was not that much pressure.”
Later on, when asked directly about working on the sequel and how it compares to thinking about the original, Ancel says “Yeah, yeah. But it’s difficult because it’s hard for me to re-do the same kind of game two times, so I always want to do something different. I don’t know how you will manage that for Psychonauts 2.”
It’s the barest glimpse of a confirmation, but it does mean Ancel is still working on the game, when many had feared he’d quietly moved on to other projects. Could we some part of it at E3? After last year’s multiple orbital nuclear strike conference from Sony, it’d be nice to see a few more flying pigs pop back up again.
Thanks, RPS.