Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Legendary loot will see select older gear retired in early June May 29, 2015
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s Ascendance DLC continues the adventures of John Malkovich and chums Mar 30, 2015
Activision is placing copyright strikes on Call of Duty Advanced Warfare videos showing cheats and/or glitches Nov 25, 2014
Activision are tentatively “very happy” with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare sales in the UK Nov 11, 2014
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare UK sales outstrip Wolfenstein, Titanfall, and Destiny combined Nov 10, 2014
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s live action trailer is leaking testosterone all over the carpet Oct 30, 2014
The real-life story that inspired Kevin Spacey’s speech in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Oct 13, 2014