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Carbine to reveal mystery Wildstar classes ahead of Winter beta


The assorted WoW veterans and MMO historians at Carbine have been pretty much schtum for the last few months. Oh sure, we’ve heard from studio spokesmouth Jeremy Gaffney about the exaggerated death of subscription MMOs and the difficulty with League of Legends’ business model and why WoW succeeded, but the rest of the team have long since rerouted power from their jaws to their frontal lobes and fingers in order to get Wildstar finished.

That’s all to change now. In the remaining months before Christmas, they’ll be running Twitch livestreams, revealing the game’s final two unknown classes, and inviting players into a Winter Beta.

“We know the last few months have been a little rough for fans of WildStar,” wrote the developers yesterday. “There hasn’t been enough juicy info to dig through, and we’ve been leaving the devs alone to let them get their game systems in a beta-ready place.

“But guess what? Time’s up, and now we go big. Get ready to be drowned in WildStar details from now through launch.”

Beginning next week, Carbine will be reintroducing each of their classes to the community, all of whom have been rejigged, de-rigged or jiggery-poked at some stage during development. Every re-reveal will be heralded with new site updates, livestreams and videos of game designers talking to camera.

All of which will lead up to a big exclamation mark in December: the Winter beta. Carbine will be inviting “tons” of new and old players to run about their world and offer feedback before the stabilisers come off in the Spring. To improve your chances of being picked, you’ll want to fill out the survey the developers plan to send out to beta applicants over the next few weeks.

Has the little we’ve seen of Wildstar lately been enough to win you over?