Consortium: The Tower, the sequel to ambitious immersive sim Consortium, has passed its crowdfunding goal on Fig, meaning we’ll be sneaking, shooting and mostly talking our way through a tower block some time in 2018.
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Grabbing the investment of 3,000 backers, raising over $345,000 and with almost three-quarters of those backers investing at equity level, Consortium: The Tower is the fourth game to be successfully funded on the crowdfunding platform.
“Fig has given us a way to empower our fans, the people who fuel our passion to make unique, original and innovative videogames,” said Gregory MacMartin, CEO, Interdimensional Games. “Our backers and Fig’s investors have given life to Consortium: The Tower, and we’re excited to continue the next chapter in Bishop Six’s story.”
Consortium: The Tower is a single-player, sci-fi immersive sim set in 2024 London, the entire game taking place inside a lone skyscraper called Churchill Tower. It’s Die Hard via Deus Ex. Every encounter can be approached in a multitude of ways, and your choices and their consequences will carry across into the next game, assuming there is one.
All going well, Consortium: The Tower will release some time in 2018.