Netac might have only cracked 3600MHz with its DDR4 RAM, but it plans to go big with DDR5, aiming to be one of the first to hit quintuple digit frequencies. IT Home reports that Netac received its first batch of DDR5 DRAM from Micron today, and plans to research and develop modules that are capable of hitting more than a whopping 10000MHz (effective).
DDR5 has a base speed of 4800MHz, which already makes it faster than most DDR4 modules currently in circulation. With SK Hynix already pushing the upcoming standard as high as 8400MHz, it’s entirely possible that DDR5 can hit these mind blowing speeds in a controlled environment, but it remains to be seen whether the controllers and heatsinks will support it in a gaming rig.
It’s also a question of whether we’ll actually see a noticeable difference in gaming, as capacity affects the performance of games far more than speeds. This will be entirely dependent on the timings, which are anyone’s guess at this point, but don’t be surprised if Netac use looser – and, therefore, less preferable – timings just to wear the crown.
The DRAM’s part number, MT60B2G8HB-48B, reveals that it’s rated for a 6400MT/s data transfer rate and a 16GB capacity, though, which is plenty to contend with the best gaming RAM right now. These are rookie numbers compared to Samsung, however, which has managed to cram 512GB onto a single DDR5 RAM stick – although these will be squarely aimed at workstations.
Since DDR5 will be leveraging platforms that aren’t even released yet, such as Intel’s 12th generation Alder Lake processors and AMD’s Zen 4 CPUs, the sky’s the limit for the new standard. Just don’t get too excited about 10000MHz (effective) speeds until you see it first hand.