You want to see pedestrians hit by cars travelling at 150mph. Why else would you be reading an article about Carmageddon? Don’t worry, this is a judgement free zone. Why would I be researching and writing about Carmageddon if I didn’t have that same bloodlust?
Unfortunately, the video released by Stainless Games doesn’t show any of that, instead it focuses on the vehicle physics in the Kickstarted reboot. Namely the game’s suspension systems.
There are some caveats to the footage that Stainless make clear before showing off the game. They say that “this video is STRICTLY a suspension test video, and we’d ask you to treat it as such.” The visuals are pre-alpha, so the car and terrain textures are far from snazzy.
That all said, once you see it in action you can make out the complexity of the interlocking system Stainless have made:
It would have been very easy for Stainless to throw together a racing game that was overloaded with bodies to crash into and blood to slide over, simply to make a quick cash injection. (I’m not entirely sure I wouldn’t have wanted that.) But they’re clearly putting a lot more work into the game than just that.
That said, maybe we should be a little worried about the effort and work the team are putting into making a racing game where you tear bodies in two, exposing innards and organs to the sun, with your blade-lined car.
Carmageddon: Reincarnation is aiming for an Early Access release in the next few months.