Godus is out on Early Access; here’s our Godus review.
When Tim reviewed Godus’ Alpha he was struck by how “Godus is unbelievably, dramatically, stupidly click heavy.” You’d click on a house to collect resources, click to build a new home, click on the new home to collect resources, click on the first house to collect resources, build more homes, and so on.
Looks like 22Cans were listening. They’ve completely “recrafted” the games flow, leaving it with “much less meaningless clicking.”
Doesn’t that mean there’s still some “meaningless” clicking in there, though?
Other new features include a new age. You can now advance your villages into the bronze age and research all the technologies that come with that.
You’ll now need to plant fields and grow crops to feed your population.
Dynamic storms will sweep the land and destroy your villages unless you terraform a protective mountain ridge.
There are a lot of fixes, too. You can read through them all in the changelog below:
1.3 New and Improved Features
Flow completed recrafted, much less meaningless clicking
Enter the Bronze Age and era of agriculture.
12 New Bronze age advances including Farming, Politics and Cartography.
8 New Resource cards to collect
8 New God Cards to collect
New unlocks to increase your Area of Influence, speed up followers and cheaper settlements
Unlock a new Farmer Follower and grow your civilisation through agriculture
Farmers will grow crops outside of settlements for the population
Crops are gathered to feed your population and advance your civilisation
Choose the most fertile and efficient land for your crops
Dynamic weather system where lightning storms will bombard your Homeworld, damaging Abodes not in a settlement
Sprogging centralised within settlements rather than on individual Abodes
Sprogging from Abodes only available when the Followers have a job
Abodes inside a settlement now have second stories allowing much greater capacity and Belief.
Multiplayer balanced so that enemy followers will not fight each other as you plan dominance
New scrapbook hints
Felt tents no longer produce Belief and instead house more Followers and have faster Follower generation
Faster info bubbles
New God Power icons
Followers share their thoughts and needs via Prayers
Beam added to Shrines within Area of Influence
All battle maps quicker to fight
Totem rebalanced to reduce number of Followers
Finger of God is now more effective
Townlife is now more meaningful
New gem seams added to Homeworld
Rebalanced trees and rocks
1.3 Bug Fixes
Various crash fixes including crashes on startup for both Mac and Windows
Fixes for crashes related to Settlements
Beautified land will remain beautified after exiting the game
Previously used Resource Cards given back for removed Advance Cards
Followers will no longer walk slowly on land that was previous blighted
Temple of Fertility statue is now actually on the temple
Settlements will always generate Belief
Settlement roads will re-draw after Abodes are moved
Followers on fire will die even when on Beautified land or in a Settlement
New opening flyover
Shrines are now more distinctive
Belief gain modified to be slower when game is shut down
God Power icons crisper
Villagers will recover correctly after being in water then rescued
Crash when attacking a Castle in Story Battle fixed
“FULL” from Abode info no longer getting stuck on screen
Belief musical chain “fail” will not play after collecting only one Belief bubble
Collecting Belief from a Settlement will continue the musical chain
Bach’s First Prelude now plays in full
Shrubs on Statue of Settlement shadow fixed
Statue of Settlement no longer floating
Statue of Settlement destruction crash fixed
Statue of Settlement door is blue in Homeworld
Statue of Settlement flag will be striped with sprogging is available
Fix for odd behaviour of Followers from Settlement sprogging
Mining is now more significant to Followers
Z-fighting on Settlement base fixed
Flag SFX will play on Settlement
Failsafe against Armageddon being usable in Homeworld
Shrines will continue to build after exiting the game
Totem number will not remain on screen when Totem is deactivated
Card descriptions on Felt Tents and Permanent Abodes changed to reflect new functionality
Fixed lighting on Abodes and fences
Fixed Followers getting stuck at Totem
Belief and Follower info dialogue removed on Abodes in a Settlement
SFX volume cannot be set to NULL
1.3 Known Issues
Sometimes the Mac version will hardlock after 30 minutes of inactivity
Shrine cards look duplicated
Land expansion shrine has no scaffolding
Difficult to see if Farms are selected to be moved with Town Planning
Lens flare from beams remains on Shrines
Special Followers will sometimes play female Follower sprog sound FX
Named Followers are randomly assigned a gender
Some VFX are not affected by nighttime
GODUS icon is low resolution
The final paragraph in the scrapbook does not fade in
Cannot quit game when cards are on-screen
Wheat is static in the wind
Roads to farms do not always appear
Statue of Speed FX can appear overblown
Sometimes there is an audio bug when returning to Homeworld mid-Multiplayer battle
Info bubble for a Settlement will sometimes not appear if the info bubble is already open on another Settlement