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Humble Indie Bundle 7 has great games AND a movie


If you were one of those types who got up in arms about the last Humble Bundle being full of DRM and Windows-only games that you’ll likely be pleased to hear that the Humble Indie Bundle 7 is choc full of Linux and Mac games.

Also, there is a movie. Huzzah.

The bundle contains:

  • Dungeon Defenders+ a ton of DLC + its soundtrack
  • Legend of Grimrock + itsawesome soundtrrack
  • Snapshot + soundtrack
  • The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
  • Closure + soundtrack
  • Indie Game: The Movie + soundtrack
  • Shank 2 + soundtrack

Dungeon Defenders and Legend of Grimrock both require you to pay over the average donation amount (that currently sits at $6.01) to get them in the bundle.

Head over here to drop your coin.