There are launch trailers, right, in which the launch is a kind of metaphor: a word to represent the sudden sale of lots of copies of a game distributed to shops all over the world. And then there are launch trailers like this one, about the actual launching of objects high into the air: missiles, cars, protagonists and such, just ‘cause. Avalanche’s flower-filled sandbox is out tomorrow.
Fancy a meander? Play one of the best sandbox games on PC.
The trailer wasn’t assembled by Square Enix but outsourced to a Just Cause competition winner – a fan who goes by the name of CoolTwinSkittles. Beware: amateur rap awaits.
Well, it certainly conveys the purpose of the game. We’re only missing a shoot-the-red-things coda.
Apparently some 1,200 trailers were submitted for Squeenix and Avalanche’s consideration.
“Choosing a winner was extremely hard,” say the publishers. “But the energy, humour and general quality of our chosen winner cemented him as the panel’s favourite.”
Our Jordan has put together a highly practical list of the 11 things you need to blow up during your adventures across Medici, which I hear is well on the way to replacing sightseeing guides in tourist suitcases. Which red things do you personally plan to blow up first?