Teases and leaks over the last year confirmed the likelihood of a new Just Cause from Avalanche, and unless Game Informer has taken to just making up the game featured on the mag’s cover, then we now know for sure that it’s a real thing and it’s due out next year.
As expected, the third game in the open world series will feature grapple hooks, vertical shenanigans, angry helicopters, plenty of explosions and a new dictator to harass.
Just Cause 3 will be blowing up the Mediterranean this time, because what’s a Just Cause game without lovely weather? Surfing on jets and parachuting of skyscrapers just isn’t the same without lots of sunshine.
After all this exclusive nonsense is over, we’ll hopefully be able to take it for a spin ourselves and tell you tales of the many things we blew up in really awesome ways.
Cheers, Game Informer.