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League of Legends patch 4.20 is all about “strategic diversity” and lasers

league of legends patch 420 preseason riot games

League of Legends’ 2015 preseason has begun, which means Riot are free to patch, update, and alter their MOBA. The mantra for this upcoming season’s changes is “Strategic Diversity,” say Riot. 

“Our high-level philosophy is we want to offer you more paths to victory so that your in-game decisions matter just as much as the champions you pick.” 

If you’ve a read through of the patch notes you’ll see how they’ve achieved this.

Patch 4.20 is the first patch of the preseason so Riot have included a lot of explanations for their changes. “In previous years,” they write, “we’ve lacked the proper systems and levers to balance different strategies against each other.

“This year, rather than trying to ‘fix’ tactical problems from the previous season, we’re instead introducing a metric tonne of changes to map-wide objectives, a complete rehaul of the jungle and jungle itemization, and a number of strategic item additions / modifications. With these new paths in place, how you strive for victory will vary with each individual game and our hope is that all of this adds up to more far more strategic diversity and experimentation in League. “

Patch 4.20 includes a lot of changes and Riot admit it’s unbalanced: “we’re expecting the game to be disrupted, imperfect, and requiring even more work over time.” They’re releasing the changes now so that players can paw over each alteration and find the balance problems in the system.

Watch this League of Legends 4.20 trailer for a handy overview of the patch:

For the full context of the changes read Riot’s preseasons patch notes what I’ve included on the next page is strictly the changes that come with patch 4.20.


Recommended items for all champions have been updated

Recommended items now detect if you have Smite or not and change accordingly

Stats Gained Per Level

All champions have had their base stats raised by 168% of their old per-level statistic (except attack speed)

All ranged champions (and Kayle / Jayce) have opted out of having their attack damage increased by 2 via the above +168% base stat buff

“Per level” statistics have been renamed “growth” statistics to better reflect what’s going on – see below for more information

No longer linear. Instead, stats follow the following formula:

  • Level 1: Immediately gain 0% of your growth statistic. All of your ‘base stats’ will be calculated off of this

  • Level 2: Gain +72% of your growth statistic

  • Level 3: Gain +75.5% of your growth statistic

  • Level 4: Gain +79% of your growth statistic

  • … Gain +((Level*3.5 – 7) + 72)% of your growth statistic

  • Level 18: Gain +128% of your growth statistic

Champion Mana Regeneration Changes

  • The following mages / tank supports are being changed to have 6 base mana regeneration (mp5) and +0.8 mana regeneration (mp5) growth stat:

    • Ahri, Alistar, Anivia, Annie, Azir, Blitzcrank, Braum, Cassiopeia, Diana, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Galio, Gragas, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Kayle, LeBlanc, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Nidalee, Orianna, Ryze, Swain, Syndra, Taric, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Vel’koz, Viktor, Xerath, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra

  • The following traditional supports are being changed to have 9 base mana regeneration (mp5) and +0.4 mana regeneration (mp5) growth stat:

    • Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka


Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance, will be released with Patch 4.20!



Updated model and textures for base, Charred, Totemic and Festive skins. Haunted Maokai has received a texture update and Goalkeeper Maokai is unchanged.

Updated VFX for base and all skins

New ability icons

New base splash


Q – Conquering Sands

BASE MAGICAL DAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 75/105/135/165/195

W – Arise!

RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power (for both the stab and turret damage)

E – Shifting Sands

BASE SHIELD AMOUNT 60/100/140/180/220 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240



ARMOR 27 ⇒ 23

W – Despair

ADDITIONAL DAMAGE PER SECOND 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4/2.7% of enemies’ maximum health ⇒ 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% of enemies’ maximum health



BASE ARMOR 22.72 ⇒ 26.5



R – Blade Waltz

BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE 160/330/500 ⇒ 125/255/385

TECHNICALLY A BUGFIX Sort of fixed a bug where Blade Waltz’ AD ratio was displaying as 1.2 when it’s actually 1.15. This is technically a bugfix because…

RATIO 1.2 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.9 bonus attack damage





Passive – Rage Gene

MINI GNAR MOVEMENT SPEED+10-25 (9 + (+1 per level from 1-14 / +0.5 per level at 15-18)) ⇒ +10-30 (9 + (+1 per level from 1-15 / +2 per level at 16-18))






Q – Boomerang Throw

BOOMERANG DAMAGE 10/45/80/115/150 (+1.0 total attack damage) ⇒5/35/65/95/125 (+1.15 total attack damage)


Q – Boulder Toss

BOULDER DAMAGE 10/50/90/130/170 (+1.15 total attack damage) ⇒5/45/85/125/165 (+1.2 total attack damage)

W – Hyper

BASE DAMAGE 25/30/35/40/45 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50

MAX MAGIC DAMAGE VERSUS MONSTERS 75/125/175/225/275 ⇒100/150/200/250/300

W – Wallop

COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 15/13/11/9/7 seconds



BASE HEALTH REGENERATION +0 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +11 health per 5 seconds

HEALTH REGENERATION GROWTH STAT +0.6 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +1.75 health per 5 seconds

Passive – Techmaturgical Repair Bots

REMOVEDFOR MATH REASONS Heimerdinger is no longer affected by his own passive so he can actually scale with health regeneration items


R – Death Lotus

COOLDOWN 60/52.5/45 seconds ⇒ 90/60/45 seconds

MAGIC DAMAGE 400/575/750 ⇒ 350/550/750


W – Void Spike / Evolved Spike Racks

COOLDOWN 8 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds

Lee Sin


BASE ARMOR 26 ⇒ 24

BASE HEALTH REGENERATION +9.4 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +7.4 health per 5 seconds


Q – Powerball

COOLDOWN 10/10/10/10/10 seconds ⇒ 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds

E – Puncturing Taunt

ARMOR SHRED 10/15/20/25/30 ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25



HEALTH REGENERATION GROWTH STAT +1 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +0.8 health per 5 seconds

Passive – Glory in Death

HEALTH DECAY 2 x level ⇒ 1 + (1 x level)

HEALTH DECAY GROWTH 1.4 x level ⇒ 0.7 + (0.7 x level)


Q – Hymn of Valor

ON-HIT MAGIC DAMAGE AURA RATIO 0.25 ability power ⇒ 0.2 ability power

W – Aria of Perseverance

MISSING HEALTH RATIO +1% healing increase per 1% health missing ⇒+0.5% healing increase per 1% health missing

BASE HEAL 25/45/65/85/105 ⇒ 30/50/70/90/110

MANA COST 70/75/80/85/90 ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100




W – Astral Infusion

CAST RANGE 450 ⇒ 550

E – Equinox

COOLDOWN 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 24/22/20/18/16 seconds


R – Infinite Duress

COOLDOWN 90/80/70 seconds ⇒ 110/90/70 seconds

Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 3)

TEXTURES The following textures have been updated:


  • Base, Almost Prom King, Emumu, Little Knight, Pharaoh, Re-Gifted, Vancouver


  • Base, Arctic Warfare, Officer, Resistance, Safari, Sheriff


  • Base, Explorer, Frosted, Nottingham, Striker


  • Base, Atlantean, Fisherman, Tundra, Void


  • Base, Gragas Esq., Hillbilly, Santa, Scuba


  • Base, Angler, Jaximus, PAX, The Mighty Jax


  • Base, Caterpillar, Deep Sea, Jurassic, Monarch, Reindeer, Sonoran


  • Base, Dragon Knight (for now)


  • Base, Battle Bunny, Crimson Elite, Redeemed


  • Base, Crimson Elite, Dragonblade, Renegade


  • Base, Black Belt, Primal


  • Base, Battlecast, Butcher, Giant Enemy Crabgot


  • Base, Blood Lord, Count, Marquis, Nosferatu, Vandal


  • Base, Groovy, Old Saint, Shurima Desert, Time Machine

Global Changes to Summoner’s Rift Gameplay

Early Game Kill & Assist Bonuses

KILL GOLD 75% of base reward for 2 minutes, scaling up to 100% at 4 minutes ⇒100% value at all times

ASSIST BONUS 50% of kill reward ⇒25% of kill reward until 90 seconds, then increasing by roughly 0.2% per second for 210 seconds to 50% of kill reward at 5 minutes

Fountain Regeneration

FOUNTAIN HEALING RATE 8.5% of maximum health and mana per 1 second ⇒2.1% of maximum health and mana per 0.25 seconds

Death Timers

Death timers now start scaling with time at 25 minutes⇒35 minutes

Death timers now scale up at 2% every minute to a cap of 150% at 50 minutes ⇒2% every 30 seconds to a cap of 150% at 47:30

Objectives, Minions & Global Buffs

Inhibitor & Nexus Turrets

Inhibitor and Nexus turrets are much stronger in comparison to their previous versions. Sorry we can’t be more specific in terms of direct comparisons (lots of complicated math) – we can say the new turrets are roughly 1.5x or 2x stronger.

15 health per 5 seconds ⇒5 health per 5 seconds

ATTACK SPEED 0.83 ⇒4.0

Ignores 82.5% of the target’s armor

Reduces target’s damage dealt by 15%

Slows target’s movement speed by 10%

With every hit, the beam gains 6 heat until 120 heat is reached. When the beam switches targets, heat is reset.

Gains +1.05% damage per point of heat, up to a maximum of +125% extra damage

Inner Turrets

Inner turrets now have regenerating shields that affect both themselves and nearby allied champions. Additionally, all allied champions within 1100 range gain a growing shield over time, scaling to a maximum of a 200 health shield.

The turret’s shield stops regenerating shields if it has taken damage within 30 seconds

Inhibitor Respawn Time

4 minutes ⇒ 5 minutes

Turret & Minion Defense Adjustments

Turret defenses have been adjusted:

  • Turrets no longer gain armor or magic resistance over time

  • Turret armor / magic resistance has been standardized to +100 armor / magic resistance (50% damage reduction)

  • Turret backdoor defense bonuses have been increased to +200 armor / magic resistance (75% damage reduction)

Turret health has been adjusted:

  • Outer Turrets: 2000

  • Inner Turrets: 2000

  • Inhibitor Turrets: 2500

  • Nexus Turrets: 2500

Minion defensive stats have been adjusted:

  • Minions no longer gain armor or magic resistance over time

  • Cannon minions no longer have base armor

  • All minion health gain over time has been increased to be roughly as durable as when they had resistances

Cannon Minions

Cannon minions now start spawning every two waves at 35 minutes ⇒ 20 minutes

Cannon minions now start spawning every wave at 35 minutes

Baron Spawn Timer

15 minutes ⇒ 20 minutes

Baron Rewards

Killing Baron Nashor grants a buff called Exalted with Baron Nashor⇒ Hand of Baron

Grants up to 40 attack power and ability power (scaling with game time)

Hand of Baron grants an aura that empowers nearby minions:

  • All Minions:

    • Now match 90% of average movement speed of nearby champions, up to a limit of 500 movement speed

    • Are resistant to slow effects

    • Non-super minions have 75% damage reduction versus area of effect, damage over time, and persistent effects

  • Melee Minions:

    • Gain +50% movement speed when within 800 units of enemy minions or turrets

    • Size is increased

    • +75 attack range

    • 75% damage reduction versus champions and minions

    • 30% damage reduction versus turrets (similar to cannon minions)

  • Ranged Minions:

    • +20 attack damage

    • +50% missile speed

    • +100 attack range

  • Cannon Minions:

    • +600 Attack Range

    • +50 Attack Damage, but Attack Speed is halved

    • Attacks are now Area of Effect (200 range) and deal 2x damage to Turrets.

  • Super Minions:

    • +25% Attack Speed.

    • Gain +50% Movement Speed when within 800 units of enemy minion or Turret.

Hand of Baron augments your Recall with new effects:

  • Baron buff reduces recall channel by 4 seconds.

  • A successful recall heals 50% a champion’s maximum health / mana

  • A successful recall grants +50% movement speed for 8 seconds

Dragon Rewards

Killing Dragon now gives your team a permanent stacking buff called “Dragon Slayer”:

  • Dragon’s Might (1 stack): +8% total attack damage and ability power

  • Dragon’s Dominance (2 stacks): +15% damage to minions and monsters

  • Dragon’s Flight (3 stacks): +5% movement speed

  • Dragon’s Wrath (4 stacks): +15% damage to turrets and buildings

  • Aspect of the Dragon (5 stacks, repeatable): Doubles all other bonuses and your attacks burn enemies for 150 true damage over 5 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.

Dragon no longer gives global gold but still awards experience and a small amount of gold to the slayer

The experience Dragon grants to the killing team has been reduced by 50%

Crest of Cinders

Crest of Cinders now heals its buffed target by +1% of their maximum health per 5 seconds

DURATION 150 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds

BURN PASSIVE 10-44 damage over 3 seconds ⇒ 5-56 damage over 3 seconds

SLOW 8%-15% ⇒ 5%-10%

Crest of Insight

DURATION 150 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds

2015 Jungle Adjustments

Rift Scuttler (NEW)

A new crabby objective that offers a unique reward in the form of vision and a speed shrine for movement through the river.

RESPAWN TIME 3 minutes

REWARD Grants vision and a speed boost in front of either Dragon Pit or Baron Pit for 75 seconds upon death

SCUTTLE CRAB Always runs away when attacked

Smite Rewards

Smiting the Krug grants Gift of Heavy Hands – stuns minions and monsters every 1st and 5th hit. Your first attack against a turret deals 50 (+15 per level) true damage but consumes this buff. Lasts 90 seconds.

Smiting the Raptor grants Razor Sharp – gives you a warning and magical sight for 10 seconds when an enemy ward spots you. Lasts 90 seconds, with 1 charge.

Smiting the Murkwolf creates a Rift Spirit – summons a Rift Spirit that watches over a portion of the jungle. Lasts 90 seconds, but that timer goes down when the spirit chases enemies.

Smiting the Gromp grants Gift of the Toadstool – attackers are poisoned for 6 (+ 6 per level) magic damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 90 seconds.

RED BRAMBLEBACK Restores 20% of maximum health

BLUE SENTINEL Restores 25% of maximum mana

Monster Stat & Reward Changes

Small camps have hit the jungle gym (this line was blatantly stolen from someone else)

  • Small jungle camps now respawn every 50 seconds ⇒ 100 seconds

  • Base health, attack damage, gold, and experience of small jungle camps have been increased by 20%

  • Greatly increased the attack damage scaling of small jungle camps throughout the game

  • Increased the health scaling of small jungle camps up to level 12

Raptors have been further re-tuned to be equal to other camps:

  • Large Raptor

    • EXPERIENCE120 ⇒ 140

    • DAMAGE40 ⇒ 55

    • MOVEMENT SPEED320 ⇒ 350

  • Small Raptor

    • EXPERIENCE10 ⇒ 20

    • DAMAGE14 ⇒ 20

    • MOVEMENT SPEED320 ⇒ 350

Blue Sentinel is scarier

  • BASE HEALTH1500 ⇒ 2000

  • DAMAGE60 ⇒ 73

Red Brambleback is also scarier

  • BASE HEALTH1500 ⇒ 1800

  • DAMAGE60 ⇒ 80

Blue Sentinel / Red Brambleback Camp Rewards

We’re trying to make it a little less painful to “donate” buffs to allies.

  • Blue Sentinel & Red Brambleback

    • EXPERIENCE260 ⇒ 100

    • GOLD60 ⇒ 42

  • Small Monsters

    • EXPERIENCE20 ⇒ 50

    • GOLD7 ⇒ 22

Jungle Experience Pacing

Champions gain 10% less experience for each level they are above the camp they are killing. This penalty caps at 50%.

Embarrassing Deaths in the Jungle

Red and Blue buffs no longer fall off when a champion is executed by a jungle camp

Jungle Items

Hunter’s Machete

COST325 gold ⇒ 400 gold

REMOVEDSTATS +10 attack damage vs. monsters / +5 damage reduction vs. monsters

NEWPASSIVE – JUNGLER Deal 30 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 7 health and 3 mana per second while in combat with monsters

Hunter’s Machete can now only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell

Poacher’s Knife (NEW)

RECIPE Hunter’s Machete + 350 gold

When you Smite and kill a large monster in the enemy jungle, the cooldown of Smite is halved, you gain +20 bonus gold, and you gain 175% increased Movement Speed decaying over 2 seconds

Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters

Ranger’s Trailblazer (NEW)

RECIPEHunter’s Machete + 350 gold

PASSIVE – BLASTING SMITE The cooldown of Smite is reduced by 15 seconds. Smite also deals half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing health and mana.

PASSIVE – JUNGLER Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters

Skirmisher’s Sabre (NEW)

RECIPE Hunter’s Machete + 350 gold

PASSIVE – CHALLENGING SMITE Smite can be cast on enemy champions, marking them for 6 seconds. While marked, you deal 18-69 bonus true damage to them on hit, have vision of them, and reduce their damage to you by 20%.

PASSIVE – JUNGLER Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters

Stalker’s Blade (NEW)

RECIPE Hunter’s Machete + 350 gold

PASSIVE – CHILLING SMITE Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 28-164 true damage and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds

PASSIVE – JUNGLER Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters

Jungle Item Enchantments

Enchantment – Devourer (NEW)

RECIPE Dagger + Dagger + any upgraded Hunter’s Machete + 600 gold

TOTAL COST 2250 gold



PASSIVE – DEVOURING Killing large monsters increases the magic damage of this item by +1. Champion kills or assists increase the magic damage of this item by +2.

Enchantment – Juggernaut (NEW)

RECIPE Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + any upgraded Hunter’s Machete + 250 gold

TOTAL COST 2250 gold




Enchantment – Magus (NEW)

RECIPE Fiendish Codex + any upgraded Hunter’s Machete + 680 gold

TOTAL COST 2250 gold



Enchantment – Warrior (NEW)

RECIPE Brutalizer + any upgraded Hunter’s Machete + 163 gold

TOTAL COST 2250 gold





You can only have one Elixir active at any point in time

Elixirs cannot be purchased before level 9

Elixir of Iron (NEW)

COST 400 gold

DRINK ME FOR +25% increased size, +25% slow resistance, +25% tenacity, and the Path of Iron buff for 3 minutes

PATH OF IRON Moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion’s movement speed by 15%

Elixir of Ruin (NEW)

COST 400 gold

DRINK ME FOR +250 health, +15% bonus damage to turrets, and the Siege Commander buff for 3 minutes

SIEGE COMMANDER Nearby minions gain +15% bonus damage to turrets and gain movement speed based on your movement speed.

Elixir of Sorcery (NEW)

COST 400 gold

DRINK ME FOR +40 ability power, +15 mana regeneration per 5 seconds, and the Sorcery buff for 3 minutes

Damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus true damage. This effect has a 5 second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.

Elixir of Wrath (NEW)

COST 400 gold

DRINK ME FOR BLOODLUST!!!! +25 attack damage and the Bloodlust buff for 3 minutes

SORCERY Dealing physical damage to champions heals for +10% of the damage dealt. Scoring a kill or assist extends the duration of this Elixir by 30 seconds.

Regeneration Items

Rejuvenation Bead

HEALTH REGENERATION +5 health per 5 seconds ⇒ +50% base health regeneration

Faerie Charm

MANA REGENERATION +3 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +25% base mana regeneration

Crystalline Bracer (NEW)

RECIPE Ruby Crystal + Rejuvenation Bead + 20 gold

TOTAL COST 600 gold


HEALTH REGENERATION +50% base health regeneration

Forbidden Idol

TOTAL COST 700 gold ⇒ 600 gold (combine cost reduced by 100 gold)

MANA REGENERATION +8 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +60% base mana regeneration


Tear of the Goddess

TOTAL COST 700 gold ⇒ 720 gold (combine cost increased by 20 gold)

MANA REGENERATION +6 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +25% base mana regeneration

UNIQUE PASSIVE Mana Charge – Grants +4 maximum mana on spell cast or mana expenditure (up to 2 times per 8 seconds). Grants +1 maximum mana per 8 seconds. Caps at+750 mana. (Unchanged)

NO INFLATION HERE All items building out of Tear of the Goddess have had their combine cost reduced by 20 gold to preserve their total cost

Chalice of Harmony & Friends

Chalice of Harmony

TOTAL COST 880 gold ⇒ 1000 gold (combine cost increased by 20 gold, inherits Null Magic Mantle’s 100 gold cost increase – see below)

MANA REGENERATION +7 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +50% base mana regeneration


UNIQUE PASSIVE Mana Font Increases mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of missing mana ⇒ Restores 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds

Athene’s Unholy Grail

TOTAL COST 2600 gold ⇒ 2700 gold (combine cost decreased by 20 gold, inherits Chalice of Harmony’s 120 gold cost increase)

MANA REGENERATION +10 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +50% base mana regeneration

UNIQUE PASSIVE Mana Font Increases mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of missing mana ⇒ Restores 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds

Mikael’s Crucible

TOTAL COST Unchanged (combine cost decreased by 20 gold, inherits Chalice of Harmony’s 120 gold cost increase and Forbidden Idol’s 100 gold cost decrease)

MANA REGENERATION +20 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ +100% base mana regeneration

UNIQUE PASSIVE Mana Font Increases mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of missing mana ⇒ Restores 1.5% of missing mana every 5 seconds

Strategic Items

Greater Lens

Feedback loop.

This is technically a strategic item, but we have nowhere else to put it anyway.

LEGITIMATE BUGThe visual indicator for the area-of-effect of Greater Lens no longer reverts to the smaller indicator for Sweeping Lens after dying and respawning (actual range was unaffected)

Righteous Glory (NEW)

RECIPE Catalyst the Protector + Crystalline Bracer + 700 gold

TOTAL COST 2500 gold


MANA 300

HEALTH REGENERATION +100% base health regeneration

UNIQUE PASSIVE Valor’s Reward – Upon leveling up, restores 150 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds

UNIQUE ACTIVE Grants +60% Movement Speed to nearby allies when moving towards enemies or enemy turrets for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Movement Speed by 80% for 1 second. This effect may be reactivated early to instantly release the shockwave.

Warmog’s Armor

RECIPE Giant’s Belt + Ruby Crystal + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + 1070 gold ⇒ Giant’s Belt + Crystalline Bracer + Crystalline Bracer + 300 gold

TOTAL COST 2830 gold ⇒ 2500 gold

HEALTH 1000 ⇒ 800

UNIQUE PASSIVE Restores 1% of maximum health every 5 seconds ⇒Restores 1% of maximum health every 5 seconds. Health restore increases to 3% of maximum health if damage hasn’t been taken within 8 seconds.

Banner of Command

RECIPE Fiendish Codex + Blasting Wand + 720 gold ⇒ Aegis of the Legion + Fiendish Codex + 280 gold

TOTAL COST 2400 gold ⇒ 3000 gold





REMOVEDVALORLESS No longer has the Valor aura

NEWUNIQUE AURA Legion – Grants nearby allies +20 magic resist and +75% base health regeneration

NEWUNIQUE ACTIVE Promote – Greatly increases the power of a lane minion and grants it immunity to magic damage (120 second cooldown)

  • Cannon Minions: Damage: +100; Health + 600; Armor: +100; Magic resist:+100; Size: INCREASED

  • Melee Minions: Damage: +50; Bonus attack speed +90%; Health: +600; Armor: +40; Magic resist: +40; Size: INCREASED

  • Range Minions: Damage: +75; Bonus attack speed +30%; Health: +400; Armor: +40; Magic resist: +40; Size: INCREASED

Raptor Cloak (NEW)

RECIPE Cloth Armor + Rejuvenation Bead + 520 gold

TOTAL COST 1000 gold


HEALTH REGENERATION +100% base health regeneration

UNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner – Builds up to +30% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets


RECIPE Ruby Crystal + Blasting Wand + 740 gold ⇒ Raptor’s Cloak + Kindlegem + 750 gold

TOTAL COST 2000 gold ⇒ 2600 gold


HEALTH 350 ⇒ 300

NEW ARMOR 0 ⇒ 50

NEW HEALTH REGENERATION +100% base health regeneration


NEW UNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner – Builds up to +30% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets

TURRET TIMEOUT Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for 2.5 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds

Multiple Ohmwreckers cannot be used on the same turret for 7.5 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds

Armor Build Paths

Chain Vest

RECIPE None ⇒ Cloth Armor + 450 gold

TOTAL COST 720 gold ⇒ 750 gold (The total cost of items that build out of Chain Vest remains the same, except where noted)


TOTAL COST 2200 gold ⇒ 2100 gold (combine cost decreased by 130 gold, inherits Chain Vest’s 30 gold cost increase)

Sunfire Cape

TOTAL COST 2650 gold ⇒ 2600 gold (combine cost decreased by 80 gold, inherits Chain Vest’s 30 gold cost increase)

Warden’s Mail

RECIPE Chain Vest + 280 gold ⇒ Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + 450 gold

TOTAL COST 1000 gold ⇒ 1050 gold

ARMOR 50 ⇒ 45

Randuin’s Omen

TOTAL COST 3000 gold ⇒ 2850 gold (combine cost decreased by 200 gold, inherits Warden’s Mail’s 50 gold cost decrease)

Magic Resistance Build Paths

Null-Magic Mantle

COST 400 gold ⇒ 500 gold


Negatron Cloak (REMOVED)

All items that built from a Negatron Cloak now have a Null-Magic Mantle component instead

The total cost of items that used to build out of Negatron Cloak remains the same, except where noted

Abyssal Scepter

RECIPE Blasting Wand + Negatron Cloak + 980 gold ⇒ Blasting Wand + Null-Magic Mantle + Null-Magic Mantle + 580 gold

TOTAL COST 2560 gold ⇒ 2440 gold


Spectre’s Cowl

RECIPE Negatron Cloak + Ruby Crystal + 275 gold ⇒ Null-Magic Mantle + Ruby Crystal + 300 gold

TOTAL COST 1400 gold ⇒ 1200 gold


Quicksilver Sash

RECIPE Negatron Cloak + 830 gold ⇒ Null-Magic Mantle + 750 gold

TOTAL COST 1550 gold ⇒ 1250 gold


Mercurial Scimitar

TOTAL COST 3800 gold ⇒ 3700 (combine cost increased by 200 gold, inherits Quicksilver Sash’s 300 gold cost decrease)


Stacking Items

Mejai’s Soulstealer

TOTAL COST 1235 gold ⇒ 1400 gold (combine cost increased by 165 gold)

NEWPRE-STACKED Mejai’s Soulstealer now starts with 5 stacks!

NEWGO BIG OR GO HOME Mejai’s Soulstealer now loses 1/3 of its stacks when killed ⇒ 1/2 of its stacks when killed

Sword of the Occult

TOTAL COST 1200 gold ⇒ 1400 gold (combine cost increased by 200 gold)

Sword of the Occult now starts with 5 stacks!

Sword of the Occult now loses 1/3 of its stacks when killed ⇒ 1/2 of its stacks when killed

At 20 stacks, grants +20% bonus attack speed

No longer grants +15% movement speed at 20 stacks

Removed Items

Sword of the Divine

Executioner’s Calling

Atma’s Impaler

Shop Search Shortcuts

Jungle items are searchable in the in-game store as “jungle”

You can now search for armour in the shop. Reconnoitre. Neighbour. We can go all day. Manoeuvre.

“Starter Items” has been added as an item category with subcategories for “Lane” and “Jungle”

Summoner Spell Level Requirements

Summoner Spells are now unlocked at levels:

  • LEVEL 1 :: Clarity, Garrison, Ghost, Heal and Revive

  • LEVEL 4 :: Barrier and Exhaust

  • LEVEL 6 :: Cleanse and Teleport

  • LEVEL 8 :: Clairvoyance and Flash

  • LEVEL 10 :: Smite and Ignite (\m/)

Scoreboard Changes

SIconographic Dragon Slayer counters have been added to the scoreboard

Colorblind mode has been removed from the scoreboard – it just uses red and blue

Active Item & Buff UI Updates

  • Active item hotkeys and cooldowns are now displayed in the space above your Summoner spells. In this new display, cooldowns are tracked by both the blue “sweep” and their numeric values

    • Active item tracking in the inventory is unchanged (no numeric cooldowns)

  • Buffs have been split into two categories: ability trackers and ambient buffs

    • Ability trackers (stacks toward an ability proc, remaining charges of an ability, remaining duration of an ability effect, etc.) retain their spot above the center HUD

    • Ambient buffs (persistent buffs, stance indicators, auras, etc.) have been moved to a second buff bar above your champion portrait. Debuffs have been moved to this space as well.


We’ll soon be launching a brand new system that greatly reduces leavers and AFKs, with more severe penalties for Ranked offenders.

Patcher Improvements

  • A volume slider and mute button have been added to the patcher to control the recently-added “Launch” and “Patching Complete” sounds

  • Clicking ticker notifications in the patcher will now take you to the Service Status page for more information

End of Game Gifting & Store Improvements

End of Game Gifting

  • You do NOT have to be friends to send a gift

  • You can send gifts to players on both teams

  • At launch, you’ll be able to choose from Mystery Skins, Mystery Champions, the champion the recipient played (if unowned), and available skins for that champion

  • The prices will be the same as in the store

  • Gifts will count towards the daily gifting limit. In other words, you can only send/receive up to five gifts each day (For example, sending three mystery skins from the store and two end of game gifts hits your limit)

  • Available in all queues except for custom games

  • Check out the full FAQ here!

Store Improvements


  • Fixed a Mac compatibility issue that caused the cursor to drop to the bottom of the screen (sometimes becoming completely stuck) when attempting to Smart Ping

  • Various buff icons that went missing in 4.19 should have reappeared via the new Active Item & Buff UI changes

  • Fixed a bug where Tryndamere’s E – Spinning Slash was dealing double damage in rare cases