I love a good bit of genre-mashing, and with Necroking, that’s exactly what’s on offer. This new turn-based roguelite also takes inspiration from deckbuilders and real-time strategy games to create a tactical and replayable experience. Despite combining so many elements, Necroking just launched on Steam at a ridiculously low price point.
In Necroking, you command a dark fantasy army of skeletons and hellish beasts to establish yourself as a great warrior in a world obsessed with battling. As the necromancer overlord, you navigate your way through the strategy game‘s tile-based world, stopping off at various combat scenarios along the way.
In the heat of battle, you stay situated at the very left of the screen, while you place randomly-drawn units from your deck onto the battlefield to protect you and slay enemies. Combat is turn-based and automatically plays out in a similar fashion to the best autobattlers, but you’ll have to keep adding units to the fight in real time as they get drawn into your deck.
The game has over 30 unit types, all realized in the same retro pixel art style as the environments and UI. While there are definitely more in-depth and content-rich tactics games out there, Necroking does at least charge a very fair price for those interested in playing it.
Necroking is out now on Steam and currently has an introductory discount of 10%, bringing it down from $4.99/ £4.29 to just $4.49/ £3.86. That offer stands until Wednesday, September 18, but given its low base price anyway, it’s not the end of the world if you forget to capitalize on it.
So, even though there might not be mountains of content, there is still some great replayability here thanks to its rogeulite elements and some tactical gameplay that will really engage your brain. To learn more about it and pick it up if it sounds up your alley, visit its Steam page here.
If you’re not totally sold, maybe take a look at some similar experiences in our lists of the best roguelikes and the best card games.
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