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Overwatch 2 player reviews are suddenly a bit less terrible

Despite months of criticism, Overwatch 2 Steam reviews have slightly recovered, as Blizzard’s FPS game welcomes Juno and enters Season 12.

Overwatch 2 Steam reviews: Juno, a new hero from Blizzard FPS game Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 has had a very rough time. The sequel to what was once one of the most popular FPS games in the world, Blizzard’s hero shooter has faced constant criticism for a variety of reasons. For some, it was a premature and unnecessary follow up, a weaker version of Overwatch that eliminated what made the original game so great. For others, the removal of loot boxes in favor of a battle pass, and the cancelation of Overwatch 2 PvE have been understandable sore points. For a time, Overwatch 2 was the worst-rated game on Steam. But it’s just made a significant, if subtle, comeback.

More than 293,000 user reviews have been posted to the Overwatch 2 Steam page since the FPS game arrived there in 2023. As the recently launched Season 12 and new hero Juno bring attention back to Blizzard’s shooter, the Overwatch 2 tier list has once again been reshuffled, and there is, perhaps, the possibility of a minor uptick in player sentiment. Maybe that’s expecting too much, but there’s a little fragment of data that suggests Overwatch 2 might have marginally more fans than it did previously.

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On Tuesday September 3, Overwatch 2 Steam reviews crossed an important hurdle – before, of all the responses posted about the game, 19% were positive, but now that amount has finally ticked over to 20%. It might not sound like much, but it’s enough to elevate Overwatch 2’s lifetime Steam rating from ‘overwhelmingly negative’ to a comparatively less damning ‘mostly negative.’

Overwatch 2 Steam reviews: A snapshot of Steam reviews for Blizzard FPS game Overwatch 2

Of course, there’s still a long way to go. In order to achieve a much softer ‘mixed’ rating, a further 20% of Overwatch 2’s aggregate Steam ratings would need to be positive. Nothing is impossible in the world of games, however, so maybe, with enough beloved updates and a significant wind change in terms of player sentiment, Overwatch 2 could climb higher on Valve’s store.

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