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Console Lucio player proves he can play Overwatch just as well on PC, reaches Grandmaster

Overwatch Lucio

A console player who wanted to show off how well he could play Lucio on the Overwatch sub-reddit has hit back at commenters saying he’d never get away with it on PC by getting away with it on PC.

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In October, DSPStanky uploaded his first video showing some fairly impressive wall-riding antics and booping an untold number of clueless console plebs off into the abyss with Lucio’s sound blaster.

The comments, as always, were a quagmire of the internet’s finest denizens telling Mr. Stanky that the PC elite would never be fooled by such amateurish tactics and he should learn to use a real controller, like a typing implement and pointer device.

Obviously he did, completing his placement matches for the PC ranked ladder on October 30, and proceeded to play between six and 11 hours a day of nothing but Lucio.

You can see the result of his solo queue climb into the top 500 below, try to ignore when the bitrate nosedives through the floor (can’t expect a consoler to get to grips with all aspects of being an elitist PC prick straight away) and also the frighteningly high mouse sensitivity and almost always aiming at the floor when going around corners. It’s probably something to do with depth perception for sick Lucio trickz while halfway up a wall.

I mean, it’s kind of impressive, but no-one on Linux would ever fall for those moves, right?