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Rainbow Six Siege is getting new secondary gadgets

New gadgets are on the way in Rainbow Six Siege, plus plenty of buffs for existing tools

Steam Charts August 17 rainbow six siege

The pool of secondary gadgets in Rainbow Six Siege is set to expand, as Ubisoft wants to vary up the pool of options and buff those that have fallen behind. It’s all part of plan to expand your gadget choices alongside the ever-increasing number of operators, and make sure every one of those choices is worthwhile.

“As we expand the pool of operators we want to expand the pool of gadgets,” game director Leroy Athanassoff tells us. “Also, another thing that we want to do is to buff gadgets. Right now, we understand that there are some standard gadgets that are really subpar compared to other gadgets, and we really want to buff them and make them all viable.”

Both steps might just be necessary after the launch of Siege’s next season. In our Grim Sky gameplay review, PCGN Siege expert Jordan notes that Maverick’s blowtorch is an excellent tool for taking out gadgets that were previously staples of any line-up. If the post-Grim Sky meta shakeup is anywhere near as big as we suspect, an enhanced selection of gadgets will go a long way.

Athanassoff also tells us about further big plans for Siege, including reworks for Lion, Frost, and Castle. The weekend also brought info about further new operators with global abilities, and the revelation that ranked play will be out of beta soon.

All that, of course, is on top of a wealth of new info on Siege’s new season, including loadouts and abilities for Maverick and Clash. Expect the Grim Sky release date to hit early in September – in the meantime, you can follow that link for further details on everything to expect.