I don’t know about you but if a game starts its Steam description with apocalyptic, four horsemen imagery – I’m in. Even more so if it’s a Cold War RTS like Regiments, which is just as well because that’s exactly how this game talks about itself. Two years after launch the first DLC has dropped for this strategy sim, and it’s got a hell of a lot going on in it.
Set in 1989 during the last days of the Cold War, Regiments is an alt-history take that imagines what might have happened if that conflict turned hot. You pick your regiment and lead it through a series of battles with full command over your army, changing and augmenting your forces as you go. Unlike the Command & Conquers and StarCrafts of the world, this RTS game is a more zoomed out affair. Instead of dealing with individual soldiers on the battlefield, you focus on them as squads – directing them as if you were a commander on a hill in a white tent, sipping on a crisp chardonnay.
For the last two years it has made a name for itself as a deliberately-paced and incredibly detailed RTS and now its first piece of DLC has dropped. Titled Winds of Change, it drastically ups the amount of nations you can choose from, adding Canada, the Netherlands, France, and Czechoslovakia, along with new units, regiments and task forces. There’s also a selection of new maps, alternate versions of existing maps, an upgraded ammo system, and plenty more. But the big change is the new War Path mode, and it sounds incredibly exciting.
The base game comes with different skirmish modes and campaigns you can play through but if you want a taste of true replayability, War Path looks to be the way to go. This mode sends you through a series of missions with your regiment, with each campaign being procedurally generated – meaning no two War Path experiences will be quite the same. This mode alone probably makes it worth the price of entry, but with loads added seamlessly into the base game too, the Winds of Change is a truly hefty addition to Regiments.
The Winds of Change DLC for Regiments is out now, and you can learn more over on Steam.
If you’re looking for something similar, however, you can take a peek at our guides to the very best strategy games and the best war games on PC in 2024, which will help you to your next gaming destination.
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