Rocket League continues to grow into the stratosphere like some sort of car attached to jet engines. Patch 1.19 kicks off the third competitive season with new maps, cars and cosmetics, some of which are free, some come as DLC.
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Here’s the highlights, picked out by Psyonix:
- Added four new premium Battle-Cars…
- (DLC) Neo Tokyo-inspired vehicles “Esper” and “Masamune”, and Classic Cars “Aftershock” and “Marauder” will be available July 18th.
- (DLC) Six Decals for each new vehicle
- Added all-new “Neo Tokyo” Arena to all casual and competitive playlists.
- Added all-new “Pillars” Arena to Rocket Labs playlist.
- Added “Showroom” to preview premium content
- Competitive Season 2 has ended and rewards will be given to participants who achieved “Prospect I” and above
- Competitive Season 3 has begun! All competitive skill ratings have been reset.
- New “Rare” and “Very Rare” items can now be found after Online matches, there are many new items for you to discover and collect!
- Multiple Bug Fixes
The new items are themed around the new Neo-Tokyo arena with, presumably, the same focus on cyberpunk aesthetic, neon lights and dark colours. As for the rest, you can read more on the official site, where every change and update is run down in detail.