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Starfield car patch breaks planet textures, but it’s going to be ok

The planets of Starfield are alive with the sounds of car engines but a new bug means some textures have gone missing in a big way.

Starfield car patch breaks planet textures, but it’s going to be ok: The Adoring Fan looks at you, adoringly.

Everyone loves the bouncy cars of Starfield. The Rev-8 has been a big success, with fans of the game now racing across the surfaces of planets throughout the entire galaxy. With car mods already making an appearance, it looks like this is the missing thing that a lot of Starfield players were wanting. But, as always, there’s a cost – and that cost is planetary textures.

It seems when Starfield fans are approaching a planet or moon, there’s a good chance that the world’s textures will be missing. Instead of lush jungles and barren deserts, planets will be emblazoned with green and red stripes, complete with the words “Default Planet Material”. That’s definitely a new one for the RPG.

Understandably this is scaring a lot of people who come across it, with the game’s subreddit being flooded with reports of this issue since the Rev-8 patch’s launch. Thankfully, it appears to be temporary. Simply logging out or reloading your save should fix it, at least for the time being. So while you may encounter space-born giant beach balls of death, they can be dealt with pretty quickly.

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Hopefully a patch is in the works to get this issue resolved, but in the meantime the Rev-8 awaits and players are definitely having a blast with it. During Gamescom we also learned that the Starfield Shattered Space release date is coming soon, and you won’t have to wait much longer to check out this new slab of content.

Starfield Shattered Space will launch on Monday, September 30. You can head over to Steam now to add it to your wishlist or, should you want to, you can also pre-purchase it.

While you wait for its release, check out our guide to the best Starfield mods you can use to spice up your game, or take a look at our recommendations for the best space games you can play in 2024.

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