Valve have made a small but notable change to the way Steam Reviews are handled. With Early Access now a towering force on the Steam service, reviews for games will be marked with a tag that identifies what version of the game has been reviewed: Early Access or the full, completed product.
Any review that was written after playing a game in Early Access is now clearly marked as an ‘Early Access Review’. If that label is missing, then you can safely assume that the review relates to a full, final product. The marker is automatically assigned, too, so you won’t find people trying to cheat the system by complaining about Early Access bugs yet making out the game is a full retail version.
Of course this doesn’t fix the Steam Reviews main problem of being stuck under a landslide of trolls, tricksters, and the general ignorant. Arty games are still going to be littered with “THIS IZNT A GAEM!” reviews and other forms of comments made by the faceless internet masses. Still, any fix is a positive move.
Thanks, RPS.