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Terraria 1.4.5 makes weather much more dramatic and dangerous

The Terraria 1.4.5 update gets new spoilers in the Re-Logic State of the Game for August 2024, with a weather overhaul and critter changes.

Terraria 1.4.5 update brings weather rework to the beloved sandbox game - Two forks of lightning strike the ground, causing a tree to explode and setting a slime creature on fire.

Every new glimpse of the Terraria 1.4.5 update shows that developer Re-Logic is continuing its trend of turning patches that start out small into major overhauls. As the month comes to a close, the Terraria State of the Game for August 2024 has arrived, bringing with it fresh new spoilers for one of the best-selling PC games ever made. This time, we get a look at something I absolutely wasn’t expecting: a complete rework for weather, alongside new ways to make use of your critters.

The next Terraria update has been in the works for a while now – the last major update for the beloved sandbox game, 1.4.4’s ‘Labor of Love,’ arrived in September 2022. Re-Logic has always maintained that it will put 1.4.5 out when it’s ready, rather than rushing to meet a date, something head of business strategy Ted ‘Loki’ Murphy reaffirms in the new forum post. “We know everyone wants that juicy release date still,” he writes, “but we are patiently working through our list of to-dos, and we do not want to ever cut any corners… so it will still be a bit longer, I’m afraid.”

We do get a particularly ‘shocking’ reveal, however (Re-Logic’s words, not mine, although I won’t apologize). That’s right: the weather has been given a big upgrade. “While Terraria has had various weather effects for quite some time, they have mostly been cosmetic,” Re-Logic writes. That’s all about to change, as you can see in the video below, which gives an example of new lightning strikes that appear to target various creatures and objects such as trees for a brief moment before they hit.

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“Outside of wind – which can impact movement and projectiles – and possibly the visibility-limiting blizzards and sandstorms, weather has never really played a huge role in the Terraria adventure,” Re-Logic continues. “Terraria 1.4.5 aims to change that up a bit by not only adding some new natural and weather phenomenons, but also making some weather elements more…interactive. Remember, if you feel your hair standing on end, it may be time to seek shelter indoors.”

There’s one additional reveal for the month, too. As mentioned, critters are also getting some love. You’ll now be able to set your captured critters free, releasing them from their cages and instead placing them in the open world. By leashing them to a specific location, you’ll be able to keep them in one place, which should be great for adding some additional flavor to your base camp. Whether these placed critters are still vulnerable to danger (or lightning strikes) remains to be seen, however.

Terraria 1.4.5 update - The new critter leashing feature allowing you to place small animals in the world.

That’s all for August, but this is just the latest in Re-Logic’s steady stream of Terraria 1.4.5 news, with some of the past reveals including a new summoner whip, more bomb types, and the ability to transform into a rat. We’ll keep you posted when we have more news – I’m just as excited to dive in when the update finally arrives.

For now, here are the best Terraria mods in 2024. Alternatively, find more people to play with on the best Terraria servers, or have a look through the best indie games for even more special experiences from smaller studios.

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