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Square Enix’s Avengers game launches next Spring

The release date was confirmed earlier today


Crystal Dynamic’s Avengers game will release next May. The release date for the superhero game was confirmed in the video description of the trailer which was unveiled at Square Enix’s E3 showcase.

That trailer, which you can check out for yourself further down this article, explains the setting of the game, but I don’t want to spoil that for you. The most important detail comes right at the bottom of that description, and says that “Marvel’s Avengers will release simultaneously for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X, Stadia, and PC on May 15, 2020.”

Given how little we’d seen of the game until now – developer Crystal Dynamics had offered next to nothing beyond a few teasers – that’s a surprisingly quick turnaround. That said, we’ll still be waiting nearly a full 12 months to get our hands on the game by the time it actually releases.


Thankfully, Square Enix’s announcement gave us plenty of new information to tide us over, starting with the trailer below:

YouTube Thumbnail

Thanks to that reveal, we also know that the game is based off “an original story,” and that it’ll star Nolan North and Troy Baker as voice actors. We’ll start with a roster of five characters – the MCU’s original six, minus Hawkeye – but that should grow with new additions over time. And the good news? Those new heroes will be available for free.

Read more: Marvel’s Avengers starts “a universe gamers will play in for years to come”

And hey, while we might have a while to wait, there’s like 22 MCU films you can use to kill time until then.