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Bethesda open The Evil Within’s box of debug commands; unleash “fully playable” 60fps

The Evil Within

In a release day twist that’s likely to impress ARG fans, Bethesda have revealed that the evil within Shinji Mikami’s survival horror game is actually buried in the code of the game itself. A dark power slumbers between the walls of its debug console, and Bethesda have given us the tools to wake it.

To access the debug console, you’ll want to right click on The Evil Within in your Steam library, open Properties, and select “set launch options” under the General tab.

Utter the dread words ‘+com_allowconsole 1’ to complete the ceremony. From there, you can launch the game and pull up the console by hitting the Insert key.

The first thing you’re going to want to fiddle with is the framerate limit. The Evil Within is locked to 30fps by default, but you push it to 60 by entering ‘R_swapinterval -1’ into the console.

Here are the rest of your options, with descriptions courtesy of Bethesda:


  • God mode. You are effectively invincible, and certain enemy kill moves will not be used against you (Laura, for example, will not jump on you)


  • Allows you to walk through walls


  • Unlimited ammo (provided you have at least 1 bullet when you enable this)

G_stoptime 1

  • Stops time. Note there is a bug right now where using this command causes a UI element to appear on screen. We’re looking to fix that in the near future.
  • Re enable time with g_stoptime 0


  • Separates the camera from Sebastian so you can freely move around the


  • Sets the aspect ratio. Default is 2.5, which is our official aspect ratio.
  • 0 is full screen, but not ideal. 1.8 or 2 is probably most comfortable for those who don’t want bars.


  • Turns on id’s native FPS counter


  • Slows down time


  • Disables slow motion

Use of the console is officially unsupported – but Bethesda say the game is “fully playable” at 60fps, and the publishers plan to iron out the framerate’s quirks.

Are you with Fraser when it comes to framerates and “cinematic experience”?