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Titanfall plagued by load time problems post-patch, proclaim pilots

Titanfall pro tip: do not be this guy.

The latest Titanfall patch has done some good – namely private matches for between two and 12 players, from ages 0 to 99. But it’s inadvertently done some bad too. Players are reporting load times so long that they’re now missing the opening dropship sequence altogether, instead beginning matches with their feet on terra firma.

More than 50 commenters on the Titanfall subreddithave complained of extended wait times which see them loading into matches after the first few attrition points have already been scored.

Worse, the issue dramatically reduces the time pilots have to activate burn cards – the ability modifiers that form a crucial part of high-level play in Titanfall.

Worse still, they’re also losing the few-seconds’ grace period in which players are allowed to switch loadouts to better accommodate their map.

And worst of all, they’re missing the painted-on smile of the drop pod robot who waves players out onto the battlefield – a feature PCGN editor Tim has correctly identified as the “best thing in Titanfall”.

Have any of you lot suffered the same injustice? Do you think you’ll stick around for the Expedition map pack in May?

Thanks to VG247 and MP1st.