This year seems to be the year that developers decided to surprise us with games that are out in just a short few months, rather than letting the hype train build for two years. Did you know that there’s a Hitman game in development? It’s been created in secret and is practically ready; it will be released in December. Check out the trailer, as seen at Sony’s E3 press conference.
Alas it’s a pre-render, but we get a taste of the usual Hitman flavour. Plenty of nasty folk in need of a piece of lead between the eyes. 47 seems to be training for a job possibly in need of snow survival skills.
PlayStation Senior Director Asad Qizilbash called it “the most ambitious Hitman ever created.” With no gameplay we can’t exactly verify that, but Square Enix has its own press conference later today, so there’s a good chance that we could see 47 in action soon.
Hitman releases December 8th.