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World of Warcraft Trivial Pursuit is now a thing you can buy

Mists of Pandaria

This morning I read the inimitable Tom Bissell on GTA V, and the “vaguely masturbatory shame” that even us game critics seem to have internalised and learned to trigger after especially lengthy solo sessions. I imagine many game developers feel the same, sometimes, but none of them have ever stretched to writing ‘TRIVIAL PURSUIT’ on the box, to warn off those seeking more substantial fare. They’re not so self-deprecating.

Blizzard have gone there, though. They’ve licensed their famous MMO out to the boardgame people, so that its logo now sits beneath that punning title, so close to the bone.

It sounds like fun. Warcraft spans at least three genres these days, and has more than enough going on it in to inspired 600 questions across six categories: Geography, Player Characters, Lore, Loot, Villains and Encounters.

The Murcoc dice are handcrafted, we’re told, and if you look closely you’ll notice that the player pieces are tiny little baby Murlocs themselves, painted in six “whimsical” colours. Yarp, whimsical.

Whether you buy your copy from the Blizzard Store or Amazon.com, it’ll be $24.99. And I suppose you’ll have to pay for international shipping if need be. Do your fellow Warcrafters live close enough to make this a thing you’d make use of?