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Fly your faction flag high in Destiny 2’s fashionable first Faction Rally event, Tuesday

Destiny 2 Factions

Here’s one for the Destiny 2 folks who – unable to wait for the PC release – have been moonlighting as Guardians on the console side of the fence. Finished the story already? Neck-deep in the grind for ever-increasing power and glory? A new set of goalposts are being set down this coming Tuesday, 2pm Pacific as the three factions (Dead Orbit, Future War Cult & New Monarchy) are calling all players to pick a team and compete for a shared prize.

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Still waiting for the PC release? Itching for something to do with friends? Check out these co-op gems in the meantime.

The rules are simple. Once you’re Level 20 and have settled in at the end of the main story, you pick a faction, go out into the wild and Do Stuff in their name. Anything, really. Crucible matches, squashing enemy camps in the overworld, racing through the current raid for bragging rights – it all counts towards your chosen faction’s score, and rewards you with tokens that you can trade in for faction-styled outfits, shaders and guns.

It’s a factional fashion battle, in essence, and a tough call between the three groups. Dead Orbit’s style is practical and militaristic to the end, with gunmetal grey being order of the day, and weapons that look like they’re from our immediate future. Future War Cult offer a Wipeout-inspired range of bright neon coloured gear, with a focus on energy weapons and things that go pew-pew, while New Monarchy offers medieval-themed red and gold plating, chunky helmets and smoothly curved guns with gold-leaf accents. Tres chiq.

At the end of the event, all members of the winning faction will be offered a grand prize; a faction-themed gun for a nominal fee of 1,000 glimmer. For everyone else, neutral or loser alike, the gun will cost a cool 50,000, so not only will your wallet have a sizeable dent in it, but you’ll be flying another faction’s colours. Oh, the indignity!

Personally, my money’s on Dead Orbit, but that’s just because Peter Stormare is one of the best actors in Destiny 2’s voice-cast, and thoroughly underutilized in his role as Arach Jalaal. They might not have the brightest and coolest looking gear, but you gotta respect the voice. That, and their guns just look scarier.

Destiny 2 is available on consoles now, with the PC version due October 24th