In a post-apocalyptic world, overrun by an infestation of monsters, humanity’s only hope are the Shades, resurrected hunters that team up alongside humans to fight evil. Help your party survive in this hostile land, drive back the darkness and save the world… easy, right? Arcane Raise is a classic roguelike RPG, so if you fancy a dose of nostalgic gameplay enter below.
For a chance to win, all you need to do is enter via our widget. We’ll also need your email, but not for anything fishy – we just need a way to contact you should you get a key!
We’ve got 100 copies of this RPG adventure game to give away. If you win, you’ll be given a code to redeem on Steam. Just click the ‘Add A Game’ button at the bottom of the Steam client window, and ‘Activate a Product on Steam’. Follow the instructions, download the game, and get playing!
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