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Bethesda parent company ZeniMax is fed up with us asking about Fallout 4


The parent company of Bethesda, ZeniMax (which sounds a lot like a company that manufactures Viagra but apparently also owns Id Software) has attempted to get us to stop asking about when Fallout 4 is coming and when it will be here and why isn’t it here yet and when will you announce it and omg Fallout 4

Fallout 4 was conspicuously absent from E3 this year, though rumours abound that it had ‘secretly’ been shown behind closed doors. This seems unlikely, as ZeniMax, the parent company of Bethesda, has denied they are even thinking about saying anything about it just now.

Speaking to Polygon, vice president of ZeniMax, Pete Hines said,”I mean [fans] have been clammering for a Fallout game for a long time now. What people need to understand — whether it is Bethesda Game Studios, Arkane or anybody — expecting information like that in any short period of time after they moved off one project to the other is really unrealistic… We are not into annual franchises — just trying to spin out a version of our game year, after year, after year — like, we have never done that, I don’t see that it is something that we are doing anytime soon.”

An admirable stance. However I would actually drop dead if they said there would be no Fallout 4. It would be very surprising to me. Hines said of Todd [Howard, of Bethesda] “Todd will let me know when he is ready and I will tell everyone else what he is up to.”


You can read more about ZeniMax’s adventures in games development over here.