The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 was such a long time coming that we started to think we’d imagined its grizzled fairytale cast in a post-Walking Dead fever dream. But the “several things” conspiring against Telltale’s development schedule abated for Episode 3, and normal service has resumed with Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing – out next week, just a month and a half after A Crooked Mile.
This penultimate episode in The Wolf Among Us will arrive on Steam on May 27, for both PC and Mac.
At this stage in a Telltale series, the very presence of particular characters and absence of others can go some way to elucidating the plot so far. So do bear in mind that spoilers abound in the trailer – as well as suspended chunks of meat Bigby will presumably pummel in a training montage:
The Wolf Among Us: A Crooked Mile marked the point where our Fraser became “completely invested” in Bigby’s welfare, as if he were the hairy PI’s mum.
“The Wolf Among Us reveals who Bigby is not through dialogue or even his actions – it’s through the quick glances, the changes in facial expression, the pauses in conversation and the words left unsaid,” he gushed. “They are the moments where he has to readjust his mask or where he doesn’t know quite what to say, when he’s caught off-guard.”
Were you similarly taken with Telltale’s Walking Dead follow-up?