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Meet Civilization 6’s United States - Rough Riders, Mustang flyers, movie makers

Civ 6 Roosevelt

If you’re not still reeling from the announcement that Civilization VI actually exists – we are – Firaxis have more information for you today. They’ve debuted the nation of America, with turn-of-the-century 26th president Theodore Roosevelt at the helm. Along with the mustachioed one, the faction has access to two unique units and one special building.

See how Fraser got along when he got a taste of some Civilization VI gameplay.

First up: Rough Riders.

Civ 6 Rough Riders

America’s cavalry unit and based on the real life 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, they’re connected specifically to Roosevelt as he helped found them to assist in a war against Spain in 1898. They numbered over a thousand in real life, though probably won’t be taking on quite that many foes solo in the game.

Later down the tech tree is the P-51 Mustang.

Civ 6 P51 Mustang

A World War 2 fighter plane, the Mustang is an all-rounder. In real life it out-fought the German and Japanese equivalents, escorted bombers and even dropped explosives on a few ground-based targets itself. In previous games, unique units like this have served to give America air superiority in key periods.

On the building side, they get the Film Studio.

Civ 6 film studio

This is all based on Hollywood of course, and will likely have a great benefit on the happiness rating of any city in which they are built – always key to maintaining dominance in the mid to late game.

Civ VI comes out on October 21, but if you can’t wait we’ll have a full interview with Dennis Shirk, lead producer on the game, coming tomorrow. We’ve got you covered on Civilization VI’s combat and research mechanics if you want more.