Last week we set ourselves a challenge in Civilization VI: could we secure a domination victory in just 100 turns? This week sees that challenge draw to its conclusion. It seemed impossible when we started, but now… yeah, still impossible. We’ve barely taken a city-state by turn 50.
In need of some tutelage in the ways of guiding an empire through time? Try our Civilization 6 strategy guide.
The problems with this are plentiful: firstly, there are Barbarians absolutely everywhere, and crikey they take some killing in the early game when your only available combat units are Warriors and Slingers. Secondly, there are quite a few tantalising city states dotted around near our starting location, and Germany gets a +7 combat strength bonus against those, soooo… yeah, we got distracted.
As ever though, this series provides valuable insight into what works (and what absolutely doesn’t) if you’re going for the warlike approach. In particular we learned that Great Generals can’t operate battering rams alone, and are reminded that you need a melee unit to take a city, no matter how many times you try to capture it with archers and catapults alone. Geniuses.
If you missed episode one, you can watch it right here:
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