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Remedy’s next game is Control, formerly known as P7

control p7

After a long wait, we have finally seen Remedy’s next game: Control. Previously referred to as P7, the game has a female protagonist, features a weird morphing gun, and a world that shatters around her in combat. 

Looks like we’ll be waiting a while longer for Alan Wake 2.

Shown as part of the Sony Press E3 press conference, the first trailer for Control gives only a taste of what the game is about. It is recognisably a Remedy game both because there is something about the way people look in its Northlight Engine and because of the style of horror on show.

Be sure to read our comprensive guide to keep on top of E3 2018.

The cerebral maze is something the studio played with back in the Max Payne games – remember when Max has to run a long a narrow beam while listening to the pleading of his family?

In Control, Remedy has taken that idea so much further. The whole world seems to be an Escher-inspired canvas. It’s glorious.

Staircases run in impossible loops, the walls shift and shudder with fluid-like blocks of geometry, even your gun appears to be unstructured, reorganising itself in your hand.

It appears you will have some sort of control over gravity and maybe even the ability to turn walls into the their constituent parts.

Jesus, it’s beautiful. Since Alan Wake, Remedy has become the master of deconstructing environments. I could spend hours watching that world build itself.