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Top Counter-Strike player calls for scene unity around Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


One of the world’s best Counterstrike players has called for the Counterstrike scene to rally behind Valve’s forthcoming Counter-strike: Global Offensive.

Comparing the ever present spats between supporters of Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to the unity that exists throughout the Starcraft II and League of Legends scene, Nathan “NBK” Schmitt explains that “the CS title’s community members are outmatched 10 to 1, and as of now, here in the CS/CS:S scenes, we do a whole lot more of flaming and angrily dribbling over our keyboards over nothing of real value to any of us.”

Nathan says that he thinks “ the time has come for both the CS and CSS communities to unite under a new title, and for both of our communities to show that FPS titles are not dead, but are still alive and kicking. It is time for us to show that we, the people, can reinstate the old e-Sports dominance of FPS titles, and there is only one thing we can currently rely on to help us in the progress: CS:GO.”

The whole post on Facebook is great reading. He’s right, too. I’m desparate for a new competitive FPS to take hold.

Via Cadred