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Endless Space: Disharmony: The Search for Auriga update released

Endless Space Disharmony The Search for Auriga Amplitude

Amplitude have reached deep into their hold and found a new free update to jettison for all owners of Endless Space: Disharmony. The Search for Auriga adds the planet of the update’s title. It’s an ancient xenobiological research centre and colonising the planet will reap you big rewards in terms of population boosts. There’s also a host of balances and fixe, plus two new heroes.

You’ll want to get to downloading this update. It is free after all.

The bulk of the changes made in The Search for Auriga are directed at Endless Space’s expansion pack, Disharmony, but there are some fixes for the vanilla version of the game also.

For instance, “Modified Sheredyn Affinity: buyout bonus lowered from 50% to 33% (like in the Disharmony version).” Now if that’s not something to get excited for I don’t know what is. It must be said that in the past I’ve become excited for blue rulers, Winnie the Pooh mugs, and learning how to make a taller flame come out of a lighter.

The changes for Disharmony are more extensive. There’s the addition of the new planet, Auriga, and the unique wonder that can be built there. Writing in a blog post, Amplitude explain that Auriga, is “a towering achievement of industry and science, the surface and crust of the planet were a warren of laboratories, biospheres, and research centers. When the bombs fell during the Dust Wars, this enormous installation became the greatest expanse of ruins — and store of lost knowledge — in the known galaxy. Should the laboratories ever be repaired and the data recovered, the scientific benefit would be unimaginable.”

This amounts to

  • +25 on planet

  • +2 pop on planet

  • +10 per pop on planet

The planet itself comes with a load of narrative events and attached rewards.

Three new features for Disharmony players are micromanagement reducing Rally Points. They’re a good way to collect your forces in the late game. Also, any ships collecting at a rally point will merge into a single defensive group.

You can now also repair your ships with Dust instead of taking them back to shipyard for a retrofit. Plus, you can now scrap ships and receive Dust in return, making that repair function a little more feasible,

Here are the full notes:

  • Creation of a unique planet: AURIGA

  • New Wonder: Husk of knowledge

  • 2 new Heroes

  • Added Rally Point (Keep Left CTRL to enter rally point mode: left click to select start system and left click to select destination’s system)

  • Scrapping a ship gives you Dust

  • A repair button has been added

  • A Magnify button has been added, in some notification, it allows to focus the concerned system or fleet

  • New alert panel [in the negotiation screen] When an ally makes a diplomatic decision

  • Disable negotiations when an alliance request is waiting for its resolution

  • Wonders and unique planets are visible for the Amoeba players in the galaxy view

  • Entering or leaving an alliance refreshes the system influences

  • Improve the way defence stats are computed at the end of a battle

  • Unique planet Option added: Allows you to able / disable creation of unique planet in the galaxy

  • Add an option to keep the rally points always visible

  • Purified systems have a different background colour (grey) in the galaxy view

  • Improved contracts offering to avoid possible stability issues in MP

  • Added a reduction on damage for weapon which are not firing during their range speciality: -50% damage

  • Battle mood or faction mood are now displayed depending on the context

  • Divided damage done by bombers per 2

  • Increased long range accuracy and efficiency

  • Modified MP to reflect the used tonnage

Then there’s the AI modifications:

  • When the AI send a war declaration, it must be followed immediately by a battle

  • Each time the AI made a diplomatic choice the player will be notified with a short explanation

  • AI invasion fleet must not come back to the assault if we crush his combat fleet

  • When the AI scouts are destroyed, the AI must not keep creating them again and again

  • Added variety in the AI attack targeting

  • The AI select the best formation & targeting; not anymore randomly one from 3

  • Lowered weight for Retreat and Offensive Retreat

  • Updated weight on formation & targeting for the AI to choose

  • Replaced one of the unique technologies of the Pilgrim which was not aesthetically positioned

Oh, and the balancing:

  • Rebalanced game difficulty progression for Harmony

  • Added a property HasTolerantTrait

  • Fixed a bug regarding tolerant trait and starting technology reported by the community

  • Lowered cost of Mineral Memory from 15 to 5

  • Disharmony now affects the planet only and not the system anymore: thus the player can more easily colonise planets with dust and earn some industry / resources from it. However, the science and food will decrease faster than before but only on the planet

  • Fixed an issue on several effects related to natural wonders

  • Added a new planetary infrastructure for Harmony which increases the local deposit of a strategic resource by 1

  • Modified PathPrerequisites for the new Strategic Resource Improvement in order to show it only when the player discovered the strategic resource

  • Removed penalty related to ownership for Harmony

  • Reduced cost of StarSystemImprovementUniqueHarmony from 500 to 300

  • Modified the tool tip of StarSystemImprovementDefense4Harmony, thus the bonus in Food and Science is added to the list of modifiers

  • Increase default repair rate

  • Improve damage and defence fleet depending of their total of command points to compensate the absence of heroes

  • Added a new planetary improvement for Harmony that gives +1 strategic resource deposit

There’s a pile of fixes, too:

  • Fixed a desync due to locust points when joining a game.

  • Fixed a desync due to approval status when joining a game.

  • Fixed a desync due dust leech.

  • Fixed a desync due to the Sheredyn’s battle stasis.

  • Fixed a desync due to affinity mapping after an encounter.

  • Fixed an issue on a diplomatic behaviour: reduces the probability of multiple wars

  • Fixed a bug regarding the Normal Difficulty reported on the forums

  • Fixed an issue where the trade routes incomes were displayed differently in the system screen and in the trade routes panel

  • Fixed an issue where typing a space character at the beginning of a “rename” text field caused an assert

  • Fixed an issue where the effects of infinite improvements did not refreshed the empire management screen

  • Fixed an issue where Growth were not properly loaded

  • Fixed an issue where Modules repair process property value was not saved

  • Fixed a bug reported by the community related to Tolerant

  • Fixed an issue on a diplomatic behaviour

  • Fixed an issue which allow the AI to transgress Waiting Period in case of war declaration

  • Fixed a bug regarding Normal Difficulty where Expansion Disapproval Difficulty was still 4x

  • Fixed issue on several effects related to natural wonders

  • Fixed: The resources needed for an advanced ship design are not marked as unavailable in the ship resource requirements tooltip

  • Fixed: The auto-upgrade button from the ship design menu does not fill up all the tonnage of the selected ship when clicked and weapons were not added

  • Fixed a bug on a AIPrerequisite for the Industry to Food Improvement

  • Fixed an issue about contract proposals

  • Fixed an assert about contracts

  • Fixed an issue where fleets could be modified by AI even when they were in a battle

  • Fixed an issue where the game remained stuck on end turn after the death of an empire

  • Fixed an issue where wonders could be put on Asteroids

  • Fixed an issue where a wonder and an anomaly could be present at the same time on a planet

  • Fixed an issue where fleets from different players could overlap when orbiting the same system

  • Fixed an issue where wonders were not put on uninhabited region first

  • Terraformation and anomaly reduction are now saved for razed systems

  • Fixed an issue where many fleet sorting options did not work in the military screen

  • Fixed an issue where the empire approval value was not properly refreshed after moving the tax rate slider

  • forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?19341-2-bugs-relating-to-the-Tolerant-trait-(Disharmony-1.1.17)