Etherium, a science-fiction RTS in the mould of the classics like Command & Conquer, hits Steam today. Developer Tindalos will be showing the game off later in the evening with a live stream of the game on Twitch, which should give you a great insight into the mechanics of the game.
The trailer and screenshots over on the Steam store page show off a beautifully colourful game that certainly starts to flood the mind with nostalgia for the Command & Conquer Tiberium games. As does the setting, which sees three empires struggle for control of a rare resource called Etherium. By building bases, managing resources, and using macromanagement to field fast-paced units, it sounds like we’re seeing a return of a type of game we’ve been without for a little while.
Conquest mode will see a galaxy-wide campaign with a tech-tree unlocking new abilities to use both out in space and in combat. Multiplayer allows skirmishes with up to 4 players.
To see the game in action and find out the differences between each of the three factions, you can tune into the developer session on Twitch tonight at 6:15pm UK time / 7.15pm CET.