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Guild Wars 2 - Wintersday is coming…


Wintersdays coming. Why so terrified? It’s not that type of winter silly. It’s the one where the folks in Tyria get to be festive joyful. Like Halloween, Wintersday is a popular holiday event, it was a highlight of the year in the original Guild Wars. This time however the gods have left Tyria, so it won’t be quite the same. It’s fine though, as ArenaNet are a bright bunch and can come up with something.

That something includes an Asuran called Toymaker Tixx who’ll delivertoys and holiday cheer via a robo-shaped Zepplin to the major cities of Tyria.
Check out the official announcement for some more juicy artwork, where more information will inevitably become available in the near future.
I should warn you though that Wintersday has always had someone or something trying to ruin the joy and festivities. With no Dwayna to protect Tyria from grinch like behaviour, I would stay on your toes.
Or maybe I’m just a scrooge? Bah humbug!