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Hacked off: FIFA 14 player creates anti-cheat tool to ward off hackers


Did you know that FIFA 14 is plagued by hackers? According to one player of the PC football game, the multiplayer community is blighted by cheaters who use a program that tells the FIFA servers that the match is over and credits the hacker with a win for their team. 

This player – YouTube user m41nd3 – is fed up with cheaters ruining his game. And so he’d created his own little piece of code to help identify potential cheats and avoid them altogether. 

CheatMeNot14 is m41nd3’s pet project, a very simple program that analyses the stats of a potential multiplayer adversary in FIFA Ultimate Team and presents them in a text window. With a little knowledge of how the game works, savvy players will be able to use this information to deduce if the player is a cheat or not. If their stats seem unbelievable or just plain impossible, you can block the player and pass up on the match, without messing up your score card.

The hack being used by cheating players is apparently frequently used in conjunction with a farming bot, which gathers in coins won through winning matches. The coins are then being sold online for real money. A quick Google of “FIFA Ultimate Team Coins” will reveal some of the illegal vendors.

Talking to Digital Gaudium, m41nd3 explained that EA had been banning cheaters in the first few months after the game’s September release, but recently he had been having problems getting EA to respond to his complaints.

“This is the actual sad part of the story” m41nd3 said. “They already have their own list of cheaters/abusers and they are ignoring it”.

In his sample video, m41nd3 explains that the problem could be stopped “by a single server-side check by EA.”

Have any of you experienced cheaters in your multiplayer FIFA matches? And would you consider using CheatMeNot14 to weed out hackers? If so, the program can be downloaded here.