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With the Helldivers 2 automatons defeated, what happens next?

Now that we've seen the Helldivers 2 automatons defeated, it's time to think about what comes next from Arrowhead's live-service game.

Helldivers 2 automatons defeated: a super soldier in black and red

We’ve defeated the Helldivers 2 automatons. But now what happens? The entire left side of the galaxy map is barren, for now, as players wonder what to do next. Will there be a secret third faction revealed soon? Will the Terminids get more ferocious? When will the automatons be back?

That’s right, the Helldivers 2 automaton menace has been vanquished, but as this is a live service co-op game, the story is far from over. After giving all players across PC just a few days to completely destroy the cyborgs, Arrowhead Game Studios has released a statement, celebrating our achievement, even if it does sound a touch ominous.

A message on the official Helldivers 2 channels reads “You did it, Helldivers. Operation Swift Disassembly was a success! With the bots eradicated and bugs contained, the galaxy is free once more.”

Of course, the galaxy isn’t actually free, but that’s beside the point. We all mindlessly shot some cyborgs and fulfilled the major order, nothing else to see here.

Helldivers 2 automatons defeated: an image of a tweet with a heroic soldier holding up a flag

So, what happens next? I’ll be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure, but with an in-game third faction seemingly teased via a ship broadcast that mentions “rumors of Illuminate sightings,” we could see another group on the horizon.

The Illuminate are from the first Helldivers, and are a sentient race of aquatic aliens that designed their own network for space travel. The implication in Helldivers 2 is that The Illuminate has long since been eradicated, but multiple messages imply that Super Earth lied. So they could be back at any moment.

Earlier this month many players spotted colossal cloaked spacecraft above automaton worlds, and I think we can all agree that whatever they are, it isn’t good.

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We won’t be fighting just the bugs for long, that I’m sure of. Maybe an entirely new faction will enter the fray, the automatons might return, or something entirely different could happen. We’ll just have to wait and see.

If you’re looking to liberate the galaxy as swiftly as possible from the remaining Terminid menace, we’ve got all the best Helldivers 2 weapons to use alongside the key Helldivers 2 stratagems too.

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