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Binding of Isaac documentary released to commemorate game’s two-year anniversary

The Binding of Isaac Edmund McMillen

Edit: Woops! We’d originally suggested that 2 Player Productions were behind this film. And, er, they’re not. Apologies for the confusion.

The Binding of Isaac’s two year’s old and to celebrate, Indie Game: The Movie creators Blinkworks Media have released a 30 minute special on the making of Edmund McMillen’s roguelike.

The documentary covers how McMillen created the game out of a need to escape the safety net that Super Meat Boy’s funding provided. Financial fear had driven that game’s development. This time McMillen used time and risk. His usual collaborator, Tommy Refenes, was away for a week so McMillen gave himself that time to make a game.

The risk was to make a game that could “hurt [his] career in some way.”

That game became The Binding of Isaac.

The Binding of Isaac is currently only 79p on Steam at the moment. You definitely need to get it if you haven’t already got a copy.