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Watch this: five glorious minutes of Cube World - Minecraft crossed with Zelda


When Tim told me that Cube World was “lush”, I thought he was employing the popular Southern English expression, which roughly translates as “nice”. Now I’ve watched this latest preview video for Wollay’s quadrilateral-hewn action RPG, however, I know that the word was meant entirely literally. Cube World is dense with forest, rich with lethal wildlife and dotted with Aztec pyramids, which you’ll find half-buried in the landscape. It’s totally lush.

So there’s the hang-gliding, which we’ve seen before. That would be enough. But then comes the item crafting, the hitpoint-heavy boss battles, and the combat enhanced by real-time dodging and stealth damage multipliers – all juxtaposed wonderfully with a serene sailing sequence.

Developer Wolfram von Funck, better known as Wollay, is shortly to start work on a demo – just as soon as he’s finished building an official site. In the meantime, you can follow the game’s progress on his personal blog.

How do you think you’ll be passing the time in your own block-built realm?