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MolyJam Deux is a game jam that will “define a new generation” where shoes cause revolutions


Peter Molydeux is the greatest game designer that ever lived. He sits somewhere in the tree that the Twitter bird nests, doing nothing but explain beautiful, philisophical, or life-changing game designs in that soothing voice of his. People crowd beneath that tree to hear his wisdom, or just follow him @PeterMolydeux. MolyJam Deux is the second worldwide game jam in which developers come together and produce the games of which he speaks, and it all kicks off July 5th. 

Peter Molydeux is, of course, a paradoy of Peter Molyneux, the genius/madman behind the likes of Fable, Curiosity, and Godus. The Twitter account mocks his style of game pitches, and the result are 140 characters explaining projects such as ‘War game where you have just one grenade. It talks to you and helps you through the tough times.’ or ‘Imagine if a game’s audio initially hated you, making horrible sounds but slowly it falls in love with you and plays sounds of pure bliss?’. MolyJam sees game developers come together to make these jokes a reality.

The MolyJam Deux website will provide you with all the wisdom you need in regards to the weekend event. If you’ve got a particular favourite Molydeux tweet that you’d love to make real, then check out this Google doc to find an event local to you that you can join. MolyJam Deux runs from July 5th through to 7th.

Cheers, PC Gamer.