Speaking at GDC, Brian Moriarty, creator of the classic point’n’click adventure game, Loom, has revealed he has plans for a sequel and would like to work with Telltale Double Fine, or Wadjet Eye to see it made.
Moriarty was speaking at GDC’s Classic Game Postmortem, looking back on the SCUMM engine adventure game he made for LucasArts.
With LucasArts now gone Moriarty’s been eyeing up other developers who could pull of what he plans for a Loom 2. “There are now three studios who I would entrust with the sequels: Telltale, Double Fine and Wadjet Eye,” he said.
And called for them to “talk to me.”
During the post-mortem he admitted that Loom was “shorter than normal and easier than normal” but that’s what “Telltale does every day now”.
Loom put you in control of the last child of the Guild of Weavers, a group who have been swept into oblivion by an evil force. The weavers in Loom weren’t like you standard weaver, instead of knitting scarves and onesies, they wove together the very fabric of reality itself. They also had a great line in snoods.
We’ll wait to see if any of Moriarty’s favoured studios approach him about Loom 2.