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Medal of Honor Warfighter trailer masks interviewee’s identity; take it as an invitation to guess

Medal of Honor: Warfighter

The new Medal of Honor Warfighter trailer features an interview with a real army man who, for various reasons, won’t reveal his identity. Whilst it may enhance the verisimilitude of a marketing campaign about secret wars being carried out by confidential military units, all I hear when someone whose identity is masked speaks is “Who am I? Who? WHO?!”.

Trailer and informed guesses below.

Okay, a voice like that can only be created by a computer of the manly persuasion. Then we see arms, this computer army man has genuine human (or human-like arms), there’s a point where it looks like they have a face, but that’s just a decoy – those lines of static reveal that it’s a television screen – so in fact they have a television head that’s masquerading as a person-face. Cunning deep-voiced computer man-bot army man, very cunning.

Then they’re talking about sneaking. To sneak they must be agile and dainty, like zombie nurses. Yes, it’s all coming together.

This is an artist’s impression:

Do you recognise this creature? They could be your neighbour, your friend, your computer man-bot housekeeper. Be watchful and send in your tips so we can track this beast down.