Faith was tattooed right on the eyeball. She did it to make a point and the next Mirror’s Edge is EA exploring the point she’s making. And here’s me thinking you could do all that with a set of contact lenses.
At this year’s E3 DICE showed off some footage of the next Mirror’s Edge.
“Mirror’s Edge is about mastering the environments,” a nameless EA person says.
“We’ve had parkour artists come in they taught us a lot about the moves we have in the game and how we can expand on theses,” said another nameless one.
A third nameless leans in to add “We’re building on the first game in the moveset Faith has.”
At this point I’ve lost track of who said what but someone said: “A skilled player might find the quickest, fastest, the most rewarding path for them. a less skilled player might find a safer, longer route.”
Another added that “Faith is a projectile, when she does hit she hits quick, hard, and fast and moves on.”
There seems to be a disappointing focus on combat in the new Mirror’s Edge but, fingers crossed, that’s because it makes for a good trailer not because it’s the only way to play.
E3 is a bit of a rush. Send help. And someone who can touchtype.