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We’re giving away a hoard of Monster Hunter: World goodies!

We've got a cache of Monster Hunter-related treats to give away, including a hoodie, set of pins, and a unique stress toy

It’s Friday, the day when the working week should taper gently off but instead seems to widen to allow larger and larger workloads to funnel through the graft-pipe. It’s at times like this you wish you had a haunch of meat to squeeze on, letting its juices ooze soothingly through your fingers.

No? Just us? That’s awkward: we’ve got a meaty stress toy right here for you, courtesy of Monster Hunter: World. Tell you what, let’s make the process opt-in. If you’d be interested in winning a bundle of Monster Hunter goodies, read on and we’ll tell you how to apply.

Capcom’s release of the beast-battling game has been the very definition of delayed gratification – after being denied a desktop version of Monster Hunter for so long, PC players have been making up for lost time. They’ve given Monster Hunter: World firm footing in the upper rungs of Steam’s most played ladder, where it’s likely to stay a long while thanks to its endlessly entertaining loop – stripping monsters for materials to craft new gear and tackle the next enemy.

It’s difficult to pick out a headline feature from our giveaway bundle, but the Nergigante statue stands out. In the game, the Nergigante is an elder dragon with an appetite for destruction. Its spiked attacks do increased damage, and those spikes are all present and correct on the model. Think of it as owning a super-cool cactus you don’t have to water.

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Beyond that there’s a hoodie bearing a distinctive logo, a set of fetching pins, and of course that stress toy, so fresh it’s still on the bone. To win it all, you’ll want to enter the competition using the widget below.

Each action you complete is another entry, increasing your odds of winning the prize. We also ask for an email address, not for spam purposes but to contact you if you win. But first: give our terms and conditions a read.

And while we’ve got you, give us a like on the PCGamesN Facebook page or follow us on Twitter to hear about future giveaways.

Monster Hunter: World giveaway