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You can stream Prey’s soundtrack (written by the Doom 2016 composer) right now


Just two days until Arkane’s latest immersive sim Prey is uncaged (we’ll be having a bit of a livestream, incidentally, if you’d like to see some gameplay), but you can listen to the soundtrack right now, to get in the mood. 

Missed any news? Catch up on everything we know about Prey.

Though other artists have contributed, the soundtrack is principally the work of Mick Gordon, which is important, because last year he gave us the face-melting metal tunes that propelled the Doom reboot.

Though that was (at least in my view) one of the best game soundtracks ever, Gordon has necessarily gone in a different direction with Prey, which is less about impaling pinky demons with their own teeth than the creeping dread of shapeshifting aliens lurking in dark corners.

Publishers Bethesda say he’s scored “a diverse soundtrack that combines ambient arpeggiated guitars and heart thumping synth beats. The result lends itself perfectly to the tense, menacing journey to uncovering the mysteries surrounding Talos I and facing off against the alien threat that has taken over the station.”

You can listen to the soundtrack on your streaming platform of choice, as long as it’s one of the following:

We’ve had a listen; it’s really good. You can read more about creative director Raphael Colantonio’s vision for Prey’s music over at the Bethesda blog.